Sunday, August 3, 2014

Maybe it's Already Here

The other day I was thinking about how it's been a dream of mine to travel and write. I am supremely envious of travel bloggers because I want to go to Hawaii! And Croatia! And swim with dolphins! I want to do cool things and get paid for it! And then I realized I already get paid to travel and write -- just not in the way I wanted.

Like I wrote last week, I've moved 32 times in 29 years. In a way, I do get paid to travel and write. At this very moment I'm staying with friends in Baltimore and tomorrow I will wake up and work like I normally do. I work from home so all that's required is internet access. You guys, I get paid to write and I travel. I SHOULD HAVE BEEN MORE SPECIFIC WITH MY DREAM.

The end scene of "Under the Tuscan Sun" is one of my favorites and so appropriate for this post.

I bring this up because maybe I already have the things I want so much. I've been craving a steady home, but in some ways I already have it. There's a retreat site in Missouri that I've gone to every year since I was three weeks old up until I was 25. It's the only stable place I've ever had because, well, I've moved 32 times. I've lamented my paltry dating life, but clearly I date homes so that already exists.

I think about that scene at the end of Under the Tuscan Sun where it's pointed out to Diane Lane's character that she has a family in her house, and a wedding, and someone to cook for. The family was her best friend and her best friend’s baby, the wedding was for a neighbor, and the people to cook for were the contractors on her house. Maybe in some ways all the things I want are already here and it's my job to open my eyes more. To see how my needs and wants are already getting fulfilled.

When I'm complaining about something to my recovery mentor I often say, "It will be OK." She responds back to me, "It is OK." Not in the future, now. I'm starting to see this is true. I want more money and I'm probably going to the retreat site in Missouri for a few months to recuperate -- boom, more money. I want more love in my life? Not only am I staying with dear friends right now, but I'm getting snuggles from their pets. Everything I want is already here, getting fulfilled in unexpected ways. It's sweet to notice that, to see how I'm already taken care of now, not in the future, but in the present.

I dream of a world where we can all identify how the things we want are already present for us. A world where we're grateful for all that we have and all that we're receiving. A world where we open our eyes more to see the unexpected ways the universe grants our wishes. A world where we see maybe it's already here.

Another world is not only possible, it's probable.

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