Sunday, October 12, 2008

Finding Your Calling

It seems lately I keep running into people who are trying to figure out what their calling is. What they were put on this Earth to do. I am by no means an authority but I do have some thoughts about it.

I believe every person on this Earth is here for a reason. There are no accidents, there are no coincidences.

One of the best things my friend Heather, who is a spiritual life coach, said is, "I came to this planet for a reason and that reason is being fulfilled in this very moment with grace and ease. As always." I really think that's true.

The question becomes how do you figure out the reason?

For me it's writing. When I write the world vanishes, time stops and I feel like I'm transported somewhere else. When I write I feel like I'm brushing against the divine and accessing my highest, most true self. When I write I feel a connection to God. When I write I feel like I'm tapping into something greater than me.

I think every person has something like that in their life. I think every person has an activity where they feel graced and loved and true and beautiful. I think every person has something in their life where they are guided, where they are most connected to God. I think your "calling," your reason for being here, is connected to that feeling. If it's when you sing, by all means sing. If it's when you paint, or design websites or bake cookies, do it! How can we not want to do the activity that makes us feel the most alive, the most graced, the most connected to God? How could our purpose on Earth be anything other than to tap into our gift? Whatever makes your heart soar you should align with, in my opinion.

Once you find your calling there's the whole matter of following through with it. (See "Fear, Trust and Dreaming Big.")

I think part of the problem with finding your calling is some people are so out of touch with themselves they have no idea what makes their heart soar or what they enjoy. It's like we're all floating in the ocean looking for our life raft. Some of us flail around a bit and then bump into it. Some people flail around and panic because they can't find it. Some people just stop looking. For those people who have been floating for so long they can't even remember what a life raft looks like, it becomes necessary to shout out for help. By all means, shout out for help! No need to tirelessly continue swimming when someone will throw you a raft. And I promise, you'll get a raft. It's a universal law.

I don't think it matters if you have to seek a spiritual life coach or pray a lot or whatever to find your calling. Finding it is all that counts. Why should you torture yourself by doing a job you hate just to make money? Isn't life too precious?

I dream of a world where everyone knows what they are on this earth to do and they aren't afraid of pursuing it. I dream of a world where people are in touch with their calling and they use their gift to benefit others. I dream of a world where people are happy and joyful because they have a sense of purpose, a reason for being alive. I dream of a world where no one wakes up in the morning filled with dread because they have to go to their horrible job where they are barely scraping by. I dream of a world where everyone lives up to their utmost potential, where talent is encouraged and where we all realize our reason for being here.

I see that world. I see how we're on the cusp of it. It is my deepest belief not only is another world possible, it's probable.

1 comment:

  1. A calling is a true gift. I've known for many years that my calling is to help make my community a better one.

    It is often hard to balance my calling with the need to support myself and my family. Thankfully, with the support of my wife, I have been able to "jump off a cliff" several times to follow my calling, not worrying about what the consequences might be.

    There is a difference between knowing what my calling is and being able to follow through with it. Fear is a large factor being able to give up the need to control and follow my calling.

    With that said, every time I have been able to give up the need to control, I have been rewarded beyond my wildest dreams.
